Thursday, August 13, 2009

Colors! Colors! and More Colors!

Finished the color selection yesterday and I am between happy and frustrated.
Happy cause it's all over and done with. Frustrated cause I was unable to choose (or get) the colors that I really wanted. Why? Well, its either I've got an expensive taste or those @#%@ builders are ripping us off! (I bet that would be the 2nd one as I am not high maintenance.Believe me, just don't go around asking my husband.) They've got such a small selection for our range and everything is on the "upgrade" side. I can hear KACHING! KACHING! KACHING!(That is the ound of a cash register just in case you don't get it.:p)in every thing that they want to color. Here's how our color selection went like.

Color Consultant (CC) : Now, choose a color for your carpet.
Emma : Well, I think only this carpet matches my tiles.
CC : KACHING! KACHING! That would be $$$ for the upgrade.

Emma : Is this the only design for your garage door?
CC : KACHING! KACHING! There are other design but that would be $$$ for the upgrade.
Emma : I want this color for the borders.
CC : KACHING! KACHING! That is not possible, but if you want that, it would be $$$ for the upgrade.

And this would be the best among the rest.
Emma : I want this color for my house.
CC : KACHING! KACHING! That is $2000 if you really want that color.

I wanted to say..."$2000!!!!! What the @#@$! Give me the 2K and I will color my own house." (Which I do in the Phil, well maybe not the whole house and only my room, but what difference does it make? I don't have a mansion here, it's such a small house! All they've got to do was instead of getting the color in their list, then get the color that I wanted. I can source it for them if they want to! Grrrrr! What a rip off!)

Oh well, there's nothing much I can do about it but to accept the fact that in times likes these, MONEY TALKS! And since I don't have much of it, I better learn to keep my mouth shut.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing your blog, i might as well share ours, cheers.
